OASFAA gave out its first recognition award in 1990. OASFAA has recognized several amazing individuals when they retired, but did not start giving out regular awards until 1998, when Mike Johnson (then President of OASFAA) brought back the policy of giving out awards. We are proud to have the following five annual awards to recognize deserving colleagues. Please take a moment to review the awards details and reflect on the generous contributions made by someone you may know.

Lifetime Member Recipients

Lifetime Membership is awarded to a person who has made major and significant contributions to the profession over an extended period of time. Lifetime Membership is the highest award OASFAA can make and is only awarded in exceptional cases. The award is usually given at the time the recipient retires or otherwise leaves the profession.

2025 Ryan West, Chemeketa Community College
2024 Lois DeGhetto, Oregon State University
2024  Leslie Limper, Pacific University
2021 Mike Johnson, Columbia Gorge Community College
2021 Tracy Reisinger, Oregon College of Oriental Medicine
2019 Patti Brady-Glassman, Oregon State University
2019 Susan Degen, HECC-OSAC
2019 Tricia Tate, The Ford Family Foundation
2017 Kathy Campbell, Chemeketa Community College
2017 Doug Severs, Oregon State University
2016 Judy Saling, University of Oregon (retired)
2009 Dave Allen, Multnomah Bible College (retired)
2008 Rod Boettcher, Mt. Hood Community College
2001 Ruth Burns, University of Oregon, OSAC
2001 Jim Beyer, OSAC
2001 Tom Turner, OSAC
1996 Dick Pahre, Oregon State University
1993 Jim Moore, U.S. Department of Education


Distinguished Service Award Recipients

This award honors an individual who has made significant contributions to OASFAA and to the financial aid profession over a period of time, or has made an outstanding one-time contribution to OASFAA and/or the financial aid profession. This award is generally given to an active member of OASFAA.

2025 Frankie Everett, Rogue Community College
2024 Peter Goss, Portland Community College
2022 Heather Hall-Lewis, University of Portland
2021 Russell Seidelman, University of Portland
2020 Araceli Cruz, Linfield College
2019 Molly Walsh, University of Portland
2018 Abril Hunt, ECMC
2017 Jennifer Knight, Linfield College
2016 Melinda Dunnick, Lane Community College (retired)
2016 Donna Fulton, Linn Benton Community College
2016 Helen Faith, Lane Community College
2015 Kathy Campbell, Chemeketa Community College
2014 Ryan West, Western Oregon University
2012 Judy Saling, University of Oregon
2011 Leslie Limper, Reed College
2010 Sue Shogren, NELA
2008 Patrick Downey, ECMC
2007 Jim Gilmour, University of Oregon
2006 Theresa Bosworth, Blue Mountain Community College
2006 Tracy Reisinger, University of Portland
2005 Jim Eddy, NELA
2004 Dan Preston, Linfield College
2003 Sherrill Kirchhoff, OSAC
2002 Keith McCreight, Oregon State University
2001 Dave Allen, Multnomah Bible College
2000 Randy Brewer, OSAC
1999 Mike Johnson, Pacific University
1999 Shari Wood, OSAC
1998 Elizabeth Bickford, University of Oregon
1993 Diane Tsukamaki, Lewis & Clark College
1990 Carol Raphael, USA Funds


Unsung Hero Award Recipients

This award honors an OASFAA voting or affiliate member who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment to Oregon students or OASFAA by working quietly and without reward or recognition on committees, at their institution and/or in the community, above and beyond the requirements of the candidate's job.

2025 Bobbi Jo Williams, Oregon State University
2024 Kyra King, HECC-OSAC
2023 Hallie Price-Asadare, Oregon State University
2021 Carlos Villarroel, Portland Community College
2020 Shauna Harper, University of Oregon
2020 Jason Hibbert, Eastern Oregon University
2019 Jennifer Satalino, ECMC
2018 Stacie Englund, Pacific University
2018 Russell Seidelman, University of Portland
2018 Molly Walsh, University of Portland
2016 Abril Hunt, ECMC
2016 Heather Hall Lewis, University of Portland
2015 Ashley Coleman, University of Oregon
2013 Donna Kirk, Western Oregon University
2012 Mike Johnson, Pacific University
2010 Shelia Yacob, NELA
2009 Jennifer Knight, EDFUND
2009 Ryan West, Western Oregon University
2008 Clarice Anderson, Portland Community College
2007 Pat Downey, ECMC
2007 Sue Shogren, NELA
2006 Terri Crawford, George Fox University
2006 Mickey Jacobson, Art Institute of Portland
2005 Kate Peterson, Oregon State University
2005 Julie Johnson, College of Legal Arts
2004 Kathy Campbell, Chemeketa Community College
2003 Carol Monroe, OSAC
2003 Kathy McCutcheon, EDFund
2003 Judy Saling, Citibank
2003 Randy Jones, NW Christian College
2003 Susan Degen, OSAC


Friend of OASFAA Award Recipients

This award honors an individual who has provided exceptional service and support to OASFAA, the financial aid community, and students over an extended period of time. This award is generally given to a non-member or to an affiliate member of OASFAA.

2022 Salishan Coastal Lodge
2018 Chuck Hirman, U.S. Department of Education - Direct Loans
2018 Tricia Tate, The Ford Family Foundation
2017 Julie Arthur, US Department of Education
2016 Susan Degen, Office of Student Access and Completion
2016 Kimberly Wells, US Department of Education
2014 Sue Shogren, USA Funds
2012 Robert Rodgers, US Bank
2011 Barbara Griesel, Ford Family Foundation
2006 Jennifer Freimund, NELA
2005 Bart Howard, Ford Family Foundation
2003 Julie Arthur, US Dept of Education
2003 Marianna Deeken, US Dept of Education
2003 Linda Burkhardt, US Dept of Education


Rookie of the Year

This award is given to an OASFAA voting member who shows great potential for leadership within the financial aid community. Recipients may be someone who has been in the financial aid profession less than 3 years or someone who is new to volunteering with OASFAA.

2025 Jenny Ruelas, Mt. Hood Community College
2024 Amy Davies, University of Oregon
2022 Emory Spence, Oregon State University
2021    Anel Venegas, Western Oregon University

Annual Award Nomination Process

The Awards Committee Chair places a notice on the website in early fall and sends out a call annually to the OASFAA listserv, asking members to reflect on their observation of outstanding financial aid performance in and around their community and nominating that deserving colleague for an award.

The call for nominations includes descriptions the four awards, along with the procedures and timeline for nomination. Membership responds by submitting a short description of the nominee's experience and the reason(s) for the nomination. The Awards committee meets and reviews nominations, making selections in early winter, prior to the annual conference in February.

Notification of Awards

Supervisors of the Distinguished Service and Unsung Hero Award recipients are notified in order to facilitate recipient attendance at the annual conference awards ceremony.

We are proud to have the following four annual awards to recognize deserving colleagues. Please take a moment to review the awards details and reflect on the generous contributions made by someone you may know.